✴ CSS is a style language that defines layout of HTML documents. For example, CSS covers fonts, colours, margins, lines, height, width, background images, advanced positions and many other things. ✴
► HTML can be used to add layout to websites. But CSS offers more options and is more accurate and sophisticated. CSS is supported by all browsers today.✦
❰❰ This App will help both students as well as professionals who want to make their websites or personal blogs more attractive.❱❱
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
⇢ Overview
⇢ Syntax
⇢ Inclusion
⇢ Measurement Units
⇢ Background
⇢ Fonts
⇢ Using Images
⇢ Links
⇢ Tables
⇢ Borders
⇢ Margins
⇢ Lists
⇢ Paddings
⇢ Cursors
⇢ Outlines
⇢ Dimension
⇢ Scrollbars
⇢ Visibility
⇢ Positioning
⇢ Layers
⇢ Pseudo Classes
⇢ Pseudo Elements
⇢ @ Rules
⇢ Text and Image Effects
⇢ Media Types
⇢ @page Rule
⇢ Aural Media
⇢ Validations
⇢ Introduction
⇢ Rounded Corners
⇢ Border image
⇢ Multi Background
⇢ Colors
⇢ Gradients
⇢ shadow
⇢ Text
⇢ Web fonts
⇢ 2d Transforms
⇢ 3D transforms
⇢ Animation
⇢ Multi columns
⇢ User Interface
⇢ Box Sizing
⇢ Responsive
⇢ Introduction to CSS
⇢ Fundamental text and font styling
⇢ Aural Style Sheets
⇢ CSS Aural Reference
⇢ Commonly Used Font Combinations
⇢ CSS Animatable
⇢ CSS Colors
⇢ HSL Colors
⇢ How Pages Use Structure
⇢ Reading the specification
⇢ Conventions
⇢ Shorthand properties
⇢ CSS 2.1 tutorial for XML
⇢ The CSS 2.1 processing model
⇢ Requirements and Recommendations
⇢ Syntax
⇢ Integers and real numbers
⇢ CSS style sheet representation
⇢ Nesting
⇢ Pseudo Classes
⇢ Shorthand Properties
⇢ Background Images
⇢ Specificity
⇢ Display
⇢ Pseudo Elements
⇢ Page Layout
⇢ Rounded Corners
⇢ Multiple-value border-radius.
⇢ Shadows
⇢ Universal, Child, and Adjacent Selectors
⇢ Advanced Colors
⇢ Attribute Selectors
⇢ CSS Transitions
⇢ CSS Backgrounds: Multiples, Size, and Origin
⇢ Transformations
⇢ Gradients
⇢ Color stops
⇢ Media Queries
⇢ CSS align-content Property
⇢ CSS animation-direction Property
⇢ CSS animation-fill-mode Property